fan [fɛn], engl. – faecher, ventilator, bewunderer, liebhaber
to take good photographs you have to be a fan.
even if its just for the time of the shoot.
especially with music.
music has a direct way to your heart.
its always great to have no obstacles when shooting live.
when you know the band. or the manager. or the location boss.
someone giving you the thumbs up to shoot more than the first three songs.
sometimes it helps just to be nice to the security.
or the sound technician.
who might just allow you to use one of his large cases to stand on.
and you can pull out the big long lens.
ask. politely. it helps.
Bernd! endlich!
du auch im Netz!
“to take good photographs you have to be a fan.”
Lieber Bernd, es war so schön mit dir gemeinsam auf dem ein oder anderem Konzert “fan” zu sein! danke. 🙂